Want to reduce stress, become a better leader and strengthen your company’s bottom line? Start paying more attention to your thoughts, says mindfulness expert Deirdre Guthrie.
No soft science, mindfulness is a heightened form of attention and presence that has the potential to boost productivity, teamwork, strategic thinking and creative problem-solving.
“Scientists have shown that there’s a direct relationship between the body, mind and well-being,” explains Deirdre.
“The idea with mindfulness is to observe and distance ourselves from the monkey mind — that constant, distracting mental chatter that, unconsciously, we may over-identify with. Mindfulness unlocks the power of the mind to change the brain so we can become more focused and aware as thinkers and leaders.”
Join us for Think Week (April 9-12) or (Sept. 10-13) where Deirdre will share some practical, neuroscience-based techniques to start practicing mindfulness. She’ll also discuss why mindfulness is a critical resource in your leadership toolkit, empowering you to:
- Separate yourself from stressful events and increase your ability to concentrate, regulate emotions and make intentional decisions.
- Enhance your creativity, pleasure and sense of purpose in both your professional and personal life.
- Understand and deal with the deeper sources of cognitive conflict, ranging from unconscious bias to addictive work practices.
- Increase your capacity for collaboration, cultural sensitivity, appreciation and empathy.
- Strengthen interpersonal relationships and create a healthier emotional work environment for your team.
Designed for leaders of second-stage companies, Think Week is a unique retreat that blends reflection time with cutting-edge leadership and business content. Deirdre and a team of other content experts will make formal presentations and be available for one-on-one time. Cost is only $1,000 per participant, which includes facilitation, food and overnight lodgings for four days and three nights.
Click here to learn more about Think Week and see the line-up of guest presenters.Register now!
About Deirdre Guthrie
Deirdre is the owner of Spore Studios: Intentional Life Design and director of wellbeing programs and facilitation at Fernwood Botanical Gardens, which curates bimonthly contemplative seasonal retreats, compassionate leadership programs for organizations, a caring for caregivers program and a summer mindfulness camp for children.
She has a doctorate in anthropology and is a professor of wellbeing science. In this capacity she has served as a principal investigator on the Wellbeing at Work project at the University of Notre Dame and as a consultant to the ALIVE! Research Partnership at Rush University Hospital in Chicago.