I am certified by Mindful Leader to guide Mindfulness in the Workplace! Contact me if you’d like to bring 30-minute lunchtime sessions into your work environment and begin to experience the benefits of boosting your “presentee-ism” and that of your colleagues. Benefits include greater focus, creativity, attention and connection.
(ages 5-7); (8-10); $30/child, 2 hours, materials included
locations: Art and Education Center, Three Oaks, Mi. or Fernwood Botanical Gardens
Drawing from social emotional learning and mindfulness meditation practices, games, eating and creative movement, this workshop allows kids to unplug from technology and refresh themselves from a busy school year. We’ll share nature-based projects; build attentional skills; and have the chance to practice mindfulness with friends and community in a retreat setting.
Experiences include: breathwork, making mood jars, body-emotion maps, nature mandalas, exploring micro-worlds, trust walks, story-yoga and constructive rest.
As an applied anthropologist who studies and practices wellbeing science, Deirdre Guthrie, PhD, will share the latest evidence based research on pro-social support tools, mindfulness techniques and stress busting rituals to enhance both workplace performance and engagement as well as personal flourishing. Deirdre can come to your workplace; conference or retreat, or organize a gathering. Presentations can be customized to fit your unique context and needs, and organized into time frames that range from an hour to two days. Deirdre can come to your workplace, conference or retreat, or organize a local gathering at Fernwood Botanical Garden in Michigan where she serves as Director of Wellbeing Programs.
- Compassionate, Embodied Leadership; Beyond one’s training and skills, inspiring leaders need a capacity for compassion and emotional/relational intelligence that they model in their everyday presence.
- Harnessing States of Flow; Enhance your creativity, focus, engagement, absorption, and sense of pleasure in work and everyday life.
- Compassionate Wisdom Program
- Caring for Informal Caregivers (non-professionalized caregiving for family and friends); engage more deeply in a conversation around death and dying, the importance of self-care and living within boundaries, deepen a mindfulness practice, find support in circle)
- Mindfulness in Nature (for kids or adults)
- Reinvigorating Mission; For those of us who approach work as a calling, it is important to find ways to sustain meaning and purpose in our work.
- Team-Building; Strengthen inter-personal relationships through appreciative inquiry, attentive listening, and narrative techniques.
- Restorative Approach to Conflict; Understanding the deeper sources of conflict (unconscious bias, dysfunctional power dynamics, disconnection from mission, addictive versus creative work practices), repairing harm, and restoring a sense of authentic engagement